
Lekha offers all the part numbers for procurement. The data sheet can be downloaded providing contact details. Lekha offers services to its customers in customization of the design and manufacturing the custom designs. The Hardware platforms offered are mostly Software Defined Radios classified as below

FPGA SoC Platforms

FPGA SoC integrates the software programmability of a processor with the hardware programmability of an FPGA, offers best system performance, flexibility, and scalability for an SDR radio application or for high end computing. The SDR platforms are generally demonstrated with one of our own Waveform.

DSP SoC Platforms

Lekha has invested and developed portfolio of hardware platforms that use DSP based system on chip platforms. The DSP platforms offered are mostly multi core DSP and multi core ARM based SoC offers heavy computing to complex wireless and other communication application. The HW generally are demonstrated with

Radio Modules

There is a wide range of radio modules designed at Lekha for various radio applications including Radars, Software Defined radio and telecom application. The radio transceivers considered in the design supports wide range of frequency and operational BW. These modules offer very high level of integration supporting up to 8 antenna port